Have your business found in Orange County!
@OCMoneyHunt is a growing Instagram community with nearly 75,000 engaged follower local to Orange County. We organize fun scavenger hunts where participants can discover hidden cash and prizes throughout the area.
Partner with @OCMoneyHunt to promote and share your restaurant, product, service, or event to our enthusiastic audience, and increase your visibility in the community!
The @OCMoneyHunt community is a blend of adventurous Gen Z and Millennials, aged 18 to 44, who share a passion for exploring and discovering new locations in Orange County. With a balanced representation of men and women, this group actively seeks out new experiences across locations like Anaheim, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, Irvine, San Clemente, and beyond. Engaging with this community is ideal for businesses and brands looking to connect with a motivated audience that values discovery and local exploration.
Members of @OCMoneyHunt are active on social media, often sharing their experiences and recommendations, which presents a unique opportunity for brands to leverage user-generated content and foster authentic engagement. By aligning with the community’s spirit of adventure, brands can create meaningful connections that resonate with their audience and drive interest in their offerings.
Bring hungry new customers, searching for your location, right to your door.
Get our audience excited about your services, reach more people, and get new customers.
Discover how we can help share your products and new product launches.
Give our audience the chance to learn about amazing experiences like local events, hotel stays, travel, & more!
We’ll work closely with you to create a custom Instagram hosted scavenger hunt that aligns with your business goals. We’ll place clues and prizes that lead participants to your business – giving back to the local Orange County community in a way that generates excitement and increases awareness.
We collaborate with businesses in and around the immediate area of Orange County, California
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